

A Customer account allows you to identify and charge calls to your customers, but what if you you also wanted to identify which Provider (Carrier) a call was made through? I other words what if you wanted to identify and charge each cdr calls 2 times, once to your customer and also to your Provider (Carrier)?

For this CDR2Cloud introduces the concept of a Provider Account which is a specially designated Customer Account.

A Provider Account allows you to identify and charge calls a to another account which does not affect the original customer to which you have billed a call.



You operate a VoIP re-seller business and resell services to 100 customers using 3 separate Providers, Vitelity, Gafachi and Vodafone. You have a requirement to process CDR files from each of the 3 Providers and bill your 100 customers every month. You also have a requirement to keep track of how much you owe each provider at the end of the month.


To do this you will use CDR2Cloud to setup 100 customer accounts and 3 Provider accounts. The customer accounts will have Auth-Codes to identify cdr calls to each customer. Like wise the Provider accounts will have Auth-Codes set up to identify the calls to one of the 3 providers. In essence you are identifying and billing each call 2 times, once for a customer and again for a provider. CDR2Cloud also allows you setup separate Rate-Tables for each of the Providers and customer if necessary allowing you to tailor the rates for charges.

To create a Provider Account, please follow the steps below:

1) Follow the procedure for Creating a Customer Account.

2) Designate the Customer Account as a Provider by clicking the [Provider] check box and save the account.

    CDR2Cloud - Provider Account

Provider Account Reporting

Provider Accounts do not participate in the CDR Invoice Generation process, meaning you can not generate an Invoice for a Provider account (only Customer Accounts). 

To determine charges for a Provider Account you must generate a [CDR by Provider by Date] Report.

     CDR2Cloud - Provider CDR Report