CDR2Cloud Components

CDR2Cloud Components

CDR2Cloud consists of the following 5 separate components;


CDR2Cloud Web Portal - This provides users with a graphical user interface for using CDR2Cloud features. Files for the Web Portal application are located in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\CDR2Cloud directory.

CDR2Cloud Database - This is the central database for the CDR2Cloud system. CDR2Cloud uses a Microsoft SQL Server Database.

CDR2Cloud CDR Processing Service - This is the program that monitors and processes CDR files when they are queued. This program runs as a Windows Service and can be started/stopped using the Services application. Settings for this program are maintained in the CDR2CloudServer.Service.exe.config file located in the ‘C:\CDR2Cloud.Service’ directory.

CDR2Cloud FTP Watcher - This is the program that monitors the FTP folders for cdr files and queues these files for processing. This program runs as a Windows Service and can be started/stopped using the Services application. Settings for this program are maintained in the CDR2CloudFTPWatcher.Service.exe.config file located in the 'C:\CDR2CloudFTPWatcher.Service' directory.

CDR2Cloud Email Service - This is the program that monitors the email queue for email messages and sends the emails using the configured SMTP service. This program runs as a Windows Service and can be started/stopped using the Services application. Settings for this program are maintained in the CDR2CloudEmailer.Service.exe.config file located in the 'C:\CDR2CloudEmailer.Service' directory.