To create an Invoice please follow the steps below:
Click the [Invoices] > [Invoice Items] module to enter the Invoice Items module
This will open a the New Invoice screen with a new Draft Invoice
Review and set the Invoice Control Items as follows:
Invoice #
The Invoice # assigned to the Invoice. The Invoice Number is incremented each time a new Invoice is created.
PO Number
The customers PO Number if available
Invoice Date
The effective date of the Invoice
Pay in Days
The number of days after the effective date that the Invoice will be due
Invoice Control Item values are set in your Account Settings. For more information please see the Account Settings topic.
Select the Customer using the [SELECT CUSTOMER] drop down
Once the Customer has been selected the [Add Item] button will be visible
Click the [Add Item] button to add a new Invoice Item to the Invoice
Edit the Invoice Line Item by clicking the "select ..." label under the Item column header
Using the [select item ...] drop-down, select the Invoice Item for the Invoice
Click the [OK] button to save the newly selected Invoice Item. You will notice that the Invoice Item Description, Unit Cost, Quantity and Line Total are not populated with the correct values
Click the [Save as Draft] or [Record Invoice] button to either save the Invoice as a Draft Invoice or to Record the Invoice against the Customers Account.
For more information on DRAFT versus RECORDED Invoices please see the Draft vs Recorded Invoice topic.