CDR2Cloud Triggers are customer focused. This means that you set a Trigger to be alerted on a change directly related to your customer.
The most commonly used Trigger is the Customer - Account Balance Trigger, which is used to notify you when ever a customers balance drop to, or below a set value.
You offer VoIP Telephone services to over 2000 customers. As a business rule you stop offering services to customers whenever their pre-paid balance drops to or below $30. Your CDR files are automatically FTP'ed and Prcessed by CDR2Cloud and so customers balances decline each time a file is processed. You need some way of knowing when ever a customer balance has dropped to or below $30, without the need to manually log into CDR2Cloud and review customer balances.
The solution here is to set an an Account Balance Trigger on each customers account a value of $30.
Next you will configure the CDR Processing Trigger to send you an email and to make a HTTP-URL call web service that you have created.