The Tenant Settings module allow access to all the settings that can be managed by the Tenant account holder.
The following Settings can be managed:
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Low Inventory Trigger | This is value representing the lowest amount of inventory on hand at which an email will be sent to the (Low Inventory Email) below. |
Low Inventory Email | This is the email address to which low inventory warning messages are to be sent. |
Next Invoice Number | This is the next Invoice number that will be used for a newly created Invoice. |
Invoice Number Increments | This is the number by which the system will increment automatically generated Invoice numbers. |
Invoice Pay in Days | The number of days in which newly created Invoices will be marked as due. |
Invoice Footer Note | The notice to appear on the footer of all Invoices. |
Generate Invoice if No CDR | Whether or not CDR2Cloud should generate a blank | empty Invoice for customers that had no CDR records for the month. |
CDR Invoice - Email Invoice | Whether or not CDR2Cloud should email a copy of the Invoice to the customer when the Bulk CDR Invoice process is run. |
CDR Invoice - Email Call Detail | Whether or not CDR2Cloud should email a copy of the Call Detail to the customer when the Bulk CDR Invoice process is run. |
Use Custom Invoice | Whether or not to use a customized Invoice template versus one of the default Invoice templates. A customized Invoice template can be purchased from the CDR2Cloud store. If you did not purchase a customized Invoice template do NOT turn the option on. |
Standard Invoice Template | This option gives a list of the standard Invoice templates that are available to you. CDR2Cloud provides a number of different Invoice templates in varying layout styles and colour themes. You can also purchase a customized Invoice template from the CDR2Cloud store. |
Disk Space (GB) | The Tenant accounts allotted disk space size in Gigabytes. This value can not be changed by the account holder. |
SMTP Enabled | Whether or not to enable your own (private) SMTP service for sending emails that your customers receive. This option will take effect only if the [Use My SMTP Service] option below is enabled. |
Use My SMTP Service | Whether or not to enable your own (private) SMTP service for sending emails that your customers receive. This feature allows you fully white label the CDR2Cloud service allowing your customers to receive emails from your private email service and not the CDR2Cloud email service. |
SMTP Server | The IP Address or URL of your SMTP Server. |
SMTP Port | The Port # of your SMTP Server. |
SMTP Authenticate | Whether or not your SMTP Server requires clients to Authenticate before sending mail. |
User Name | User name of the account that will authenticate with the SMTP Server. |
SMTP Password | Password of the SMTP User. |
From Email Address | The email address that will appear as the sending email. |
Description | The Name / Description that will appear nest to the [From Email Address]. |
Auto Update CDR Status | Whether or not to automatically update the CDR status module with file processing status. |
Auto Archive CDR Success | Whether or not to automatically archive a CDR file after it has been successfully uploaded and processed. This feature is particular useful for customers using the Auto FTP & Auto Queuing feature to upload and process hundreds of CDR files per day. In such cases the [Call Details Records] > [Activity] page becomes loaded with hundred of files making is difficult to monitor real-time file processing statuses. |
Abort Processing File on Error | Whether or not to abort the CDR file processing procedure if there is an error reading a record in the file. |
Send Email when Processing completed | Whether or not to send an error to the accounts administrator when the processing of a CDR file is completed. |
Auto Detect Rate ID | Whether or not to automatically detect and use the Rate-ID instead of the Called-Number for Rate-Table pattern look-up. |
EPYGI - Bill Forwarded To Forward-er | This feature is specific to EPYGI CDR file processing only and allows you to bill a forwarded call to the forwarding party instead of the calling party. By default EPYGI CDR files represent a forwarded call as being made by the caller, however in some circumstances it may be necessary to bill that call to the forwarding party and not the calling party. |
EPYGI - Bill Transferred To Forwarder | This feature is specific to EPYGI CDR file processing only and allows you to bill a transferred call to the transferring party instead of the calling party. By default EPYGI CDR files represent a transferred call as being made by the caller, however in some circumstances it may be necessary to bill that call to the transferring party and not the calling party. |
Permanently Delete all my Data | Permanently Deletes all your CDR, CDR File Activity, Invoice and Customer Transaction Data. The Clear Data Feature should only be used while Testing CDR2Cloud and should not be used when operating CDR2Cloud in Production Mode