SMTP Feature

SMTP Feature

The SMTP feature allows you to use your own SMTP services for sending automated emails from CDR2Cloud to your customers. By default automated emails sent from CDR2Cloud use the CDR2Cloud SMTP Service and so all emails come from the domain cdr2cloud.com or svksoftware.com. The SMTP feature allows emails that your customers receive to come from your specific email domain eg: yourdomain.com. This allows you to fully Whitelabel the CDR2Cloud service. 

The SMTP settings are accessible from the [Account] > [Settings] > [SMTP]

CDR2Cloud - SMTP Settings

Email Templates

The SMTP Service allows you to customize the email templates used for sending email messages to your customers. The email templates are in HTML form and can be customized directly using the SMTP Template WYSIWYG HTML Editor. By default the standard HTML templates are used for sending messages.

To edit/customize a HTML template please follow the steps below:

  1. Click the [Email Templates]  ellipse button

    CDR2Cloud - Email Template Button
  2. From the [HTML EMAIL TEMPLATES] pop-up menu, select the template that you would like to edit/customize.

  3. Using the [EMAIL TEMPLATE WYSIWYG EDITOR] make the changes to the template body as well as the subject and click the [Update Template] button.

    CDR2Cloud - Edit Email Template

Template Variables

Email Templates allow you to add special template variables (TV) which get replaced with values when the template is executed. TV's are enclosed in hash tags and are used as follows:


The Executed line shows the Template line after is has been processed by the CDR2Cloud.

ExecutedHello John Doe, attached is Invoice 0002365
TemplateHello #customername#, attached is Invoice #invoicenumber#


Email TemplateTemplate Variables (TVs)Description
Invoice (PDF)#customername#"Customers first name

#invoicenumber#Invoice # (eg: 00002365)

#invoicetotal#Invoice total

#tenantcompanyname#Tenants company Name

#tenantstreet#Tenants street address

#tenantcity#Tenants city

#tenantstate#Tenants state / province

#tenantpostal#Tenants postal / zip code

#tenantcountry#Tenants country

#tenantemail#Tenants email address

#tenantphone#Tenants telephone number
Invoice Payment Receipt#customername#"Customers first name

#invoiceduedate#Invoice due date

#invoicenumber#Invoice # (eg: 00002365)

#invoicetotal#Invoice total

#tenantcompanyname#Tenants company Name

#tenantstreet#Tenants street address

#tenantcity#Tenants city

#tenantstate#Tenants state / province

#tenantpostal#Tenants postal / zip code

#tenantcountry#Tenants country

#tenantemail#Tenants email address

#tenantphone#Tenants telephone number

#paymentdate#"Invoice payment paid

#paymentamount#"Invoice payment amount

#paymentmethod#Invoice payment amount

#paidtodate#Invoice amounts paid to date
Customer Web Access#customername#Customers first/last name

#logonlink#"CDR2Cloud Website Logon URL

#customerusername#Customer account user name

#customerpassword#Customer account temporarily assigned password

#tenantcompanyname#Tenants company Name

#tenantstreet#Tenants street address

#tenantcity#Tenants city

#tenantstate#Tenants state / province

#tenantpostal#Tenants postal / zip code

#tenantcountry#Tenants country

#tenantemail#Tenants email address

#tenantphone#Tenants telephone number
Call Detail (CDR)#customername#"Customers first name

#invoicenumber#Invoice # (eg: 00002365)

#cdrstartdate#Call detail start date

#cdrenddate#Call detail end date

#tenantcompanyname#Tenants company Name

#tenantstreet#Tenants street address

#tenantcity#Tenants city

#tenantstate#Tenants state / province

#tenantpostal#Tenants postal / zip code

#tenantcountry#Tenants country

#tenantemail#Tenants email address

#tenantphone#Tenants telephone number


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