Invoice - Email

Invoice - Email

CDR2Cloud allows you to send a copy of the Invoice to your customer in an email as a PDF attachment. 

To Email your customer a copy of their Invoice, please follow the steps below:

  1. Display the listing of Invoices by clicking the [Invoices] > [View Invoices] menu
    CDR2Cloud - Display Invoices
  2. Locate and view the desired Invoice by clicking the  button
    CDR2Cloud - View Invoice Button
  3. Scroll to the button of the View Invoice Page and click the [Email Invoice] button
    CDR2Cloud - Email Invoice Button
  4. While the Invoice is being emailed CDR2Cloud will display the "EMAILING INVOICE" message in the center of the View Invoice Page.
    CDR2Cloud - Email Invoice to Customer
  5. The Invoice will be emailed to the customer as a PDF attachment.