Charge - Create
Charge - Create
- SVK Support
Owned by SVK Support
Create New Charge
Before creating a new Charge it is recommended that you first create the Invoice Item(s) that will be assigned to the Charge.
For information on creating an Invoice Item please see the Invoice Items topic
To create a new Charge, please follow the steps below:
- Click the [Plan / Charges] > [Charges] menu button
- Click the [Create Charge] button
Enter the information for the Charge as follows:
Disabled Enable or disable the Charge. Charge Name The Name of the Charge. Description The Description of the Charge. Enter a description that allows some one else to easily understand how to use the charge. Charge Type Select whether the Charge will be a 'One Time', 'Payment Plan' or 'Recurring' Type. Monthly Cycle Enter a number to define the monthly cycle for applying the Charge to customer. For monthly enter 1, for bi-monthly enter 2. Start Date Enter the date you would like the Charge to start. End Date Enter the date you would like the Charge to end. IF the Charge has no end Date leave this field empty.
Click the [Save Charge] button to save the Charge