

CDR2Cloud Tax Module allows you to define one or more Taxes which are then applied to a Tax Category. A Tax can be defined as a Percentage Tax (%) or as a Fixed Tax:

Percentage (%) TaxTax is a % of the customers subtotal charge(s)
Fixed TaxTax is a fixed amount an is unrelated to the customers subtotal charge(s)

CDR2Cloud also allows you to specify if a Tax should be applied to different category of charges such as Calls, Non-Call Items & Shipping.

A Tax when created has no use o its own and must be applied to a Tax Category which then gets assigned to the customer account. A Tax when applied to a Tax Category is assigned a Stacked Order which indicates if the Tax should be treated as a Straight Tax or a Stacked Tax.

This topic contains the following sections

Create a Tax

To create a new Tax please follow the steps below:

  1. Click the [Taxes] > [Tax] menu button to enter the Taxes module
  2. Click the [Create Tax] menu link -button located at the top of the Taxes module
    CDR2Cloud - Create Tax Menu
  3. Enter the information needed to define the new Tax as follows:

    CDR2Cloud - Enter Tax Details
    Tax NameThe name of the Tax. This name will appear on customer Invoices so try to keep the name as short as possible (not more than 4 characters long)
    Valid From DateThe date from which this Tax is to be effective. You may future date the Tax in which case CDR2Cloud will ignore the Tax until that date has arrived. If there is no need to future date the Tax then you must enter the current date
    Tax AmountThe amount of the Tax. Enter percentage (%) amounts in decimal format. E.g:. A percentage tax of 25% would be entered as 0.25. A Fixed Tax amount of $50.50 would be entered as 50.50
    Tax Amount TypeThe method the Tax Amount (above) should be calculated, i.e as a Percentage (%) or as a Fixed Tax
    Tax MaximumThe maximum amount (ceiling) to be charged on this tax. If there is no maximum enter 0
    Tax Maximum TypeThe way in which the Tax Maximum amount (above) is to totaled (running total). Maximums can be evaluated on a Item, Monthly or Yearly basis
    Apply to CallsWhether or not this Tax should be applied to call charges
    Apply to ItemsWhether or not this Tax should be applied to other items sold to customers (non call charges such as equipment rental, etc)
    Apply to ShippingWhether or not this Tax should be applied to Shipping charges
  4. Click the [Save] button to save the Tax

Edit a Tax

  1. Click the [Taxes] > [Tax] menu button to enter the Taxes module
  2. Locate the Tax you would like to Delete and click the  button
  3. Make the changes to the Tax data as required
    (warning) Please see the above section for a description of the Tax fields
  4. Click the [Save] button to save the changes

Delete a Tax

  1. Click the [Taxes] > [Tax] menu button to enter the Taxes module
  2. Locate the Tax you would like to Delete and click the  button
  3. Review the Tax Delete Confirmation screen and click the [Delete] button to delete the Tax
    CDR2Cloud - Delete Tax Screen


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