Destination - Import

Destination - Import


Importing a Destination Table from a file will overwrite the entire content of the target Destination Table.

Source File Destination Table Format

CDR2Cloud allows you to import Destinations from a text file into any Destination table you choose. The source file containing the Destinations must be in a very specific format that CDR2Cloud will understand.

This source file must contain 3 Comma Separated Value {CSV} columns as shown below:



CDR2Cloud Destination Table - Import Field Layout


CDR2Cloud  Destination Table Source file in Excel

CDR2Cloud  Destination Table Source file in Excel


To import Destinations from a file to a destination Rate Table, please follow the steps below:

  1. Identify and open the Destination Table that you would like to import destinations to and click the Import Destinations button located at the top right of the page. 

  2. Drag the {CSV} file containing the Destination Patterns to the Upload page or click the Upload Icon to launch the file explorer

  3. The Destination patterns will now be uploaded to the Destination Table and any existing Destinations Patterns in the Destination Table will be erased before the import takes place.
    CDR2Cloud - Destination Table Import

  4. Click the [View Destinations] button to view the Destination Patterns in the Destination table and ensure that the Import was successful.