Authentication Codes

Authentication Codes

The Authentication Code (Auth Code) feature of CDR2Cloud provides a very accurate and flexible way for you to identify which customer each call in your CDR file should be billed to.

Every record (line) in your CDR file represents a call that was made through your network by a customer. In processing your CDR file(s) you are now trying to review each record (line) and figure out:

  1. Which customer made the call
  2. How much to charge for the call

The Auth Code feature gives you the resources you will need to accurately solve the challenge of 1. - Which customer made the call.


Auth Codes utilize a very powerful feature called Regular Expressions (RegEx) which is simply a way of defining a sequence of characters that for a search pattern. This allows you the flexibility of linking each record in your CDR file(s) to a customer by using any of the fields in that CDR record.