Auth Code - Adding

Auth Code - Adding

To add an Authentication Code to a Customer Account please follow the steps below:

  1. Click the [Customers] menu button to enter the Customer module and display the list of Customers
  2. Open the Customer record by clicking the button
  3. Open the Auth Code panel by clicking on the  button 
  4. Click the button to put the Authentication Code panel in edit mode 
    CDR2Cloud - Add Authentication Code
    Add Auth Code (click to enlarge)
  5. From the Auth Code Field drop-down box, select the field in the CDR file that you would like to use to identify your customer
    CDR2Cloud - Select Auth Code Field
    Select Auth Code Field (click to enlarge)


     For more information on the Authentication Code Fields please see the Auth Code - Fields topic
  6. Enter the Regular Expression markup that will be used for identifying the customer


    For more information on understanding Regular Expression markup please see the Authentication Code Walkthrough topic

  7. From the Operator drop-down box, select the operator that will be used to complete this Auth Code 
    CDR2Cloud - Select Auth Code Operator
    Select Auth Code Operator (click to enlarge)


    For more information on the Authentication Code Operators please see the Auth Code - Operators topic

  8. Click the [Save Auth Code] button to save the Authentication Code for the customer record.


Every Customer Account must have at least one Authentication Code defined in order for CDR file processing & billing to be completed.